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Including my content from SQLBlog.com and some from SQLPerformance.com

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Cardinality Estimation for Disjunctive (OR) Predicates in SQL Server 2014 Onward

Cardinality Estimation for Disjunctive Predicates in SQL Server 2014


Back in January 2014, I wrote an article called Cardinality Estimation for Multiple Predicates that described the cardinality estimation process for queries with multiple predicates, from the point of view of the old and new cardinality estimators.

The article describes the various behaviours and formulas involved, along with the usual sprinkling of documented and undocumented trace flags. I described the formula SQL Server 2014 uses to calculate a cardinality estimate for multiple predicates connected with AND (conjunctive predicates), which was already relatively well-known.

Despite some fairly energetic research, and basic-to-intermediate skills with Excel, I was unable to deduce a similar formula for the disjunctive case, where predicates are connected by OR. The trace flag output I describe in the other article clearly showed that exponential backoff was used in the new 2014 cardinality estimator, but the precise formula eluded me.

Saturday 31 August 2013

Nested Loops Prefetching

Nested Loops Prefetching

Nested loops join query plans can be a lot more interesting (and complicated) than is commonly realized.

One query plan area I get asked about a lot is prefetching. It is not documented in full detail anywhere, so this seems like a good topic to address in a blog post.

The examples used in this article are based on questions asked by Adam Machanic.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Parameter Sniffing, Embedding, and the RECOMPILE Options

Parameter Sniffing, Embedding, and the RECOMPILE Options

Parameter Sniffing

Query parameterization promotes the reuse of cached execution plans, thereby avoiding unnecessary compilations, and reducing the number of ad-hoc queries in the plan cache.

These are all good things, provided the query being parameterized really ought to use the same cached execution plan for different parameter values. An execution plan that is efficient for one parameter value may not be a good choice for other possible parameter values.

When parameter sniffing is enabled (the default), SQL Server chooses an execution plan based on the particular parameter values that exist at compilation time. The implicit assumption is that parameterized statements are most commonly executed with the most common parameter values. This sounds reasonable enough (even obvious) and indeed it often works well.

A problem can occur when an automatic recompilation of the cached plan occurs. A recompilation may be triggered for all sorts of reasons, for example because an index used by the cached plan has been dropped (a correctness recompilation) or because statistical information has changed (an optimality recompile).

Whatever the exact cause of the plan recompilation, there is a chance that an atypical value is being passed as a parameter at the time the new plan is generated. This can result in a new cached plan (based on the sniffed atypical parameter value) that is not good for the majority of executions for which it will be reused.

It is not easy to predict when a particular execution plan will be recompiled (for example, because statistics have changed sufficiently) resulting in a situation where a good-quality reusable plan can be suddenly replaced by a quite different plan optimized for atypical parameter values.

One such scenario occurs when the atypical value is highly selective, resulting in a plan optimized for a small number of rows. Such plans will often use single-threaded execution, nested loops joins, and lookups. Serious performance issues can arise when this plan is reused for different parameter values that generate a much larger number of rows.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Incorrect Results Caused By Adding an Index

Incorrect Results Caused By Adding an Index

Say you have the following two tables, one partitioned and one not:

FOR VALUES (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000);


-- Partitioned
    T1ID    integer NOT NULL,
    SomeID  integer NOT NULL,

        ON PS (T1ID)

-- Not partitioned
    T2ID    integer IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL,
    T1ID    integer NOT NULL,

        ON [PRIMARY]

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Two Partitioning Peculiarities

Two Partitioning Peculiarities

Table partitioning in SQL Server is essentially a way of making multiple physical tables (row sets) look like a single table. This abstraction is performed entirely by the query processor, a design that makes things simpler for users, but which makes complex demands of the query optimizer.

This post looks at two examples which exceed the optimizer’s abilities in SQL Server 2008 onward.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Aggregates and Partitioning

Aggregates and Partitioning

The changes in the internal representation of partitioned tables between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 resulted in improved query plans and performance in the majority of cases (especially when parallel execution is involved).

Unfortunately, the same changes caused some things that worked well in SQL Server 2005 to suddenly not work so well in SQL Server 2008 and later.

This post looks at a one example where the SQL Server 2005 query optimizer produced a superior execution plan compared with later versions.

Monday 8 July 2013

Working Around Missed Optimizations

Working Around Missed Optimizations

In my last post, we saw how a query featuring a scalar aggregate could be transformed by the optimizer to a more efficient form. As a reminder, here’s the schema again:

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Optimization Phases and Missed Opportunities

Optimization Phases and Missed Opportunities

There are two complementary skills that are very useful in query tuning. One is the ability to read and interpret execution plans. The second is knowing a bit about how the query optimizer works to translate SQL text into an execution plan.

Putting the two things together can help us spot times when an expected optimization was not applied, resulting in an execution plan that is not as efficient as it could be.

The lack of documentation around exactly which optimizations SQL Server can apply (and in what circumstances) means that a lot of this comes down to experience, however.

Monday 17 June 2013

Improving Partitioned Table Join Performance

Improving Partitioned Table Join Performance

The query optimizer does not always choose an optimal strategy when joining partitioned tables. This post looks at an example of that, showing how a manual rewrite of the query can almost double performance, while reducing the memory grant to almost nothing.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Hello Operator, My Switch Is Bored

Hello Operator, My Switch Is Bored

This post is in two parts. The first part looks at the Switch execution plan operator. The second part is about an invisible plan operator and cardinality estimates on filtered indexes.