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Tuesday 2 May 2017

SQL Server Temporary Object Caching

SQL Server Temporary Object Caching

Creating a table is a relatively resource-intensive and time-consuming operation. The server must locate and allocate storage space for the new data and index structures and make the corresponding entries in multiple system metadata tables. All this work has to be done in ways that will always work correctly under high concurrency, and which meet all of the ACID guarantees expected of a relational database.

In SQL Server, this means taking the right kinds of locks and latches, in the correct sequence, while also ensuring that detailed transaction log entries are safely committed to persistent storage in advance of any physical changes to the database. These log entries ensure the system can bring the database back to a consistent state in the event of a transaction rollback or system crash.

Dropping a table is a similarly expensive operation. Luckily, most databases do not create or drop tables with any great frequency. The obvious exception to this is the system database tempdb. This single database contains the physical storage, allocation structures, system metadata, and transaction log entries for all temporary tables and table variables across the entire SQL Server instance.

It is in the nature of temporary tables and table variables to be created and dropped much more frequently than other database object types. When this naturally high frequency of creation and destruction is combined with the concentrating effect of all temporary tables and table variables being associated with a single database, it is hardly surprising that contention can arise in the allocation and metadata structures of the tempdb database.