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Including my content originally published on 𝕏, SQLperformance.com, and SQLblog.com
Showing posts with label Deletes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deletes. Show all posts

Friday 13 September 2024

A Small Sample of SQL Server Chaos

Title image
This article was originally published on 𝕏.


Since SQL Server indexed views don’t allow MIN or MAX aggregates, I recently found myself writing a trigger instead. The trigger’s job was to keep a summary table in sync with a source query (which featured a MAX aggregate).

There’s a cost to running a trigger after every insert, update, or delete (with up to three trigger invocations per merge statement) but fast access to the summary data was worth it in this case. Though a trigger is a bit more expensive than the inline materialised view maintenance automatically added to the source statement’s execution plan by SQL Server, efficient trigger code and good indexing can help with the performance aspect (as always).

Sunday 26 July 2020

A bug with Halloween Protection and the OUTPUT Clause

A bug with Halloween Protection and the OUTPUT Clause


The OUTPUT clause can be used to return results from an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. The data can be returned to the client, inserted to a table, or both.

There are two ways to add OUTPUT data to a table:

  1. Using OUTPUT INTO
  2. With an outer INSERT statement.

For example:

-- Test table
DECLARE @Target table
    id integer IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, 
    c1 integer NULL

-- Holds rows from the OUTPUT clause
DECLARE @Output table 
    id integer NOT NULL, 
    c1 integer NULL

Thursday 21 February 2013

Halloween Protection – The Complete Series

Halloween Protection – The Complete Series

I have written a four-part series on the Halloween Problem.

Some of you will never have heard about this issue. Those that have might associate it only with T-SQL UPDATE queries. In fact, the Halloween Problem affects execution plans for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and MERGE statements.

This is a topic I have been meaning to write about properly for years, ever since I read Craig Freedman’s 2008 blog post on the topic, which ended with the cryptic comment:

“…although I’ve used update statements for all of the examples in this post, some insert and delete statements also require Halloween protection, but I’ll save that topic for a future post.”

That future post never materialized, so I thought I would have a go. The four parts of the series are summarized and linked below, I hope you find the material interesting.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Optimizing T-SQL queries that change data

Optimizing T-SQL queries that change data

Most tuning efforts for data-changing operations concentrate on the SELECT side of the query plan. Sometimes people will also look at storage engine considerations (like locking or transaction log throughput) that can have dramatic effects. A number of common practices have emerged, such as avoiding large numbers of row locks and lock escalation, splitting large changes into smaller batches of a few thousand rows, and combining a number of small changes into a single transaction in order to optimize log flushes.

This is all good, but what about the data-changing side of the query plan — the INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE operation itself — are there any query processor considerations we should take into account? The short answer is yes.

The query optimizer considers different plan options for the write-side of an execution plan, though there isn’t a huge amount of T-SQL language support that allows us to affect these choices directly. Nevertheless, there are things to be aware of, and things we can look to change.

Friday 31 August 2012

Deletes that Split Pages and Forwarded Ghosts

Deletes that Split Pages and Forwarded Ghosts

Can DELETE operations cause pages to split?

Yes. It sounds counter-intuitive on the face of it. Deleting rows frees up space on a page, and page splitting occurs when a page needs additional space. Nevertheless, there are circumstances when deleting rows causes them to expand before they can be deleted.